
Five Tips To Kickstart Your Piano Journey

Five Tips To Kickstart Your Piano Journey

The piano can be a very difficult instrument to learn however with the right Piano tutor Uk, you will learn in no time. With the right tutor, you also need a few tips to clear your mind and learn better.

Read Below For Tips To Learn Piano Efficiently

1. Productive Practice Time

Young piano learners usually have the habit of prolonging their practice sessions . They believe that longer practice sessions would lead to quicker excellence . That is not entirely true. You should practice playing piano for at least 30 minutes every day. You may have heard the phrase “slow and steady wins the race”, this is a perfect lesson for young piano learners. It is advised to not practice for more than 2 hours because that will make you mentally tired.

2. Getting Comfortable with FAMILIARITY

Beginner pianists often get way too comfortable with the first song they learned to play. They do not try to take risks or move on to a new song. The Comfort zone seems to be safe heaven when in reality it is a monster trying to hinder your growth. You should experiment with new songs frequently no matter how good or bad you are at it. This will aid in keeping your growth mindset alive.

3. Hand Position and Pressure

When playing the piano, it is crucial to maintain a good posture as well as hand position to play effortlessly. Your fingers should be slightly bent and very gentle when pressing the keys. Beginner piano players often press the keys too harshly which produces a terrible sound. It is important to keep your hands relaxed and enjoy playing the instrument.

4. Play in public

Feedback is an essential element in the pursuit of perfecting an instrument. Playing in public will give you an advantage over other piano players. You will not only grow more comfortable with playing it, but you will also receive tons of feedback. You will learn to take this feedback constructively and refine your piano skills. Play in public as much as you can to get a head start in your piano learning journey

5. Get a Professional Teacher

Piano lessons can be very daunting especially when you’re just starting. This fear can be reduced by learning from a professional tutor. These people know how to refine your skills and direct you towards the right path. Piano tutors can help you choose your first song and help you along your journey of piano learning.

Contact Ivory Keys

If you’re looking for professional Piano tutors Birmingham, contact ivory keys today and book your sessions!.

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